Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thanks for all the feedback

I just want to thank you all for the feedback you have given for the "New Blog Look" that my FIADS Super Secret Spoiler gave me. It was really her work, just my cutting and pasting.
Several folks have asked about the lack of coffee dyed yarn pictures; I promise that I will have some up soon. I would have them now, but since we have a thunderstorm going on, I am going to wait a couple of hours and the sun should be back out. I will also write sometime about the process, since I have had questions about that too.

Since the week is coming to an end and I need to address the FIADS "Topic of the Week" here goes.

Topic Question
Now that in some geographic locations the weather is starting to turn cooler, do you change the type of yarn(s) you knit/crochet with? No.

If not, why do you not switch and what do you knit/crochet with? For me knitting is about the process of watching something that seems like magic happen. I take one big long stick and "string" and end up with a dishcloth, scarf, sock, or whatever I am making. Who knew I was a wizard? I sure didn't. I love the creative process, thus I do a lot of "What if I did this instead?" I enjoy a project that takes a while to finish (one of the reasons I am making Dr. Who), but I am into instant gratification, thus dishcloths. The Ballband is a lot of fun to watch the interaction of the colors happen as it grows on the needles. Each one is different, depending on the colors and the placement thereof.
Thus, I don't knit with a particular type of yarn based on what season it is currently, I knit with a particular yarn based on what I feel drawn to create or learn at the moment. This would also be why I can work on more than one creation, knitting or otherwise, in the course of a short amount of time. I am also easily distracted!

1 comment:

Bubblesknits said...

I really do love the new "do"! Your pal did a great job!

I completely agree. I knit with what I want, when I want. LOL