Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Do you all know what today is?

Not only is it Election day (go vote if you haven't already), it is "Be Kind To Your Poll Worker Day."
See You all tomorrow!


SissySees said...

Always. I'm sure we break rules... I get a kiss from Niecie, a hug from Mr. M and Petie... ;)

Anonymous said...

I voted and was polite and patient to the poll worker(s). Be kind and unwind (after you get home from a long day). Tell that to Miss Oribel, too.

momlee said...

All our voters were kind to this poll worker - it was exciting to be part of this! Especially to see so many very young voters!

Jayhawk said...

And I parked more than 100' away because of the Obama sticker on my car, so that the poll worker would not have to come out and harrass me.

Anonymous said...

Polls in Salt Lake County (Utah) have been sited as some of the best run (meaning fewest problems and complaints) in the country. this is no doubt due to our dedicated poll workers, their excellent training, and our county clerk's commitment to excellence and her professional staff's to helping us do our job.

Unfortunately, I could not work the polls this year, my new job prevented it. But I missed the camaraderie and service. I heartily agree with my sister and mother, it is a wonderful experience. I recommend being a poll worker to any one who could do it.