I realized sometime late last week (or over the weekend) that some of you may be new here at Coffee Yarn, linked from
Whiskers on Wednesdays. If you are, "Welcome" and I hope you enjoy your visit. I also realized that I didn't properly introduce Miss Oribel for the first WoW post. Rather than run through the whole think, I will just link you to
this post, which was where she was introduced to everyone after she came to live with us. So today you get one of her baby pictures.
Oribel is a beautiful Ginger kitty! Kittens are so much fun, aren't they?
I showed the hubby your last Whiskers on Wednesday post and he got such a kick out of Oribel and her coasters. :-)
yes, we love Oribel and her coasters. She's got a lot of personality.
What a cutie! Of course, I'm partial to marmalade girls, having one myself- Poppy, who is 3 yo- & Oribel looks quite similar.
If you are a member of Ravelry, there is a group devoted to orange cats "Under the Spell of an Orange Cat"
What a cutie pie!! I loved the baby photos!! I think my email ate your reply last week, sorry I didn't reply to it. I didn't get to read it. :(
Such a sweetie, love the expression
Awwwww....what a sweet baby pic!!
Oribel she is so cute:)Hugs Darcy
AWWW Oribel is ADORABLE!! I want to snuggle her!
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