with all its sunny beauty. It just sits there in the sun, calling to me. It doesn't care that I have things to do today, it says, "You're awake early and don't have to leave the house until after ten. Come out and keep me company. I don't care if you bring your knitting. Bring your coffee and keep me from being lonely." Yeah right. Only if I bundled up in a sweatshirt and blanket! It is a cold 45°F with a wind chill out there! It is probably a good thing I won't be staying home to have to hear its
Siren call.

Maybe by the time I get home for lunch it will be close enough to the predicted high of 66°F to eat lunch outside, in a sweatshirt, in the breeze.
45??? Wow.
Oh that is deceptive! I saw the picture and my imaginary self was making tracks to curl up on your deck with a book and some ice tea.
Lucky for myself, I heard "45 degrees" and came to an abrupt screeching halt just before the sliding door.
I hate it when the weather plays tricks like that...
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