Any way, last night Hubband and I were at his work Christmas party and he discovered that one of his co-workers who recently moved here from Japan had decided to buy a car. Now, this person has little or no experience with snow and ice driving, which is what we have had for the last week (don't let that pretty snow fool you, it might just be on top of ice). The party was being held at a home up a hill, so the gentleman from Japan decided that he had better park off the hill and walk, since he didn't want to have to deal with driving with ice, snow, hills, wind, dark, etc. So, he parked about a mile or so away and then walked the rest of the way. He mentioned to Hubband that he had to keep stopping on the way to cover his ears with his hands since they were so cold. It turns out he has no hat (and perhaps gloves, but he has pockets) and it was only about 4° when we got to the party with the wind blowing and the temperatures dropping, and he arrived after we did. Hubband exclaimed that he was not to walk back to his car and needed to get a ride, that he would ferry him to his car if needed. Hubband tried to make sure that his co-worker understood that he may not have ears left if he attempted to walk back to his car when he left the party. (It was below zero by the time we got home.)
Tomorrow I will be retuning to my regularly scheduled knitting of socks and other Christmas presents. I will even give you pictures of the sock (maybe I'll even finish the second one).
Oh, and thanks for all the happy birthday wishes!
You have a good heart! I've pondered some selfish hat knitting myself, but since I own hats a-plenty and there is indeed much Christmas knitting to do...
The snow is pretty, even if it is a bit dangerous to drive on....
That was sweet of you to knit co-worker a hat!! :)
You have a heart of gold. :-)
Btw, where can I get one of those nifty head models? Such a handy thing to have.
I'm almost done with the hubby's co-workers dishcloths. I picked up the soaps and lotions today, so I should be set.
Hi!! You don't know me but I have been lookin around for some great ideas for handmade crafts and one of them was knitting or crocheting.. but i do not know how so i was wondering if you would be able to give me any advice or anything that can help.. id appreciate it.. thanks
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