They were knit toe-up, but with a new-to-me heel/gusset application. To add to the "getting in practice" for the socks, I decided I should also learn a new bind-off method. All went well with the first sock, and as you can see, it looked beautiful. Well, almost all went well. The process went fine, but apparently I did it a bit tight, as when I tested it, there was no way it was going to go over my heel. (Good thing I tested it, right?) So the socks were then also filled with my learning how to unsew a Kitchener bind-off. (As it happens, I did the bind-off and test late at night, and decided to deal with it the next morning in the light of day; which of course, is also the time I choose to take the picture of the pretty bind-off job.)
Since it was sunny and nice outside, my favorite chair was pressed into service for the learning to be done, but I was faced with some distractions along the way.
But I muddled through long enough to get all the unsewing done,
and enough pictures were taken to have Someone decide that she was getting annoyed with being bothered.
I managed to get all the stitches/rows frogged back to the proper place,
but I guess hiding was too much trouble,
and I got to practice picking the stitches all back up on a slightly smaller needle.
Pink wasn't one of my favorite colors when I was a child, but some pink things can be very distracting,
but I did manage to stay focused long enough to get all the stitches back onto the proper size needles, all in the right order, going the proper direction, and the missing rows re-knit.
As you can see, I was still being distracted (as well as annoying) by pink, plus little feet (which will not be getting socks of their own).
Then I decided to go with my normal sewn bin-off in the interest of needing to get the socks done in time. (As in I didn't want to have to undo them again if I messed a up a second time, plus I was pretty sure that by then the socks were to the point of needing to process what they had learned so far.)
Who knew that so much sleeping could get one so dirty?
But apparently a bath
can be rather exhausting!
I managed to keep sewing socks,
despite Someone catching my attention every time she made herself (more) comfortable,
until both socks were all done.
The socks are fraternal twins, which I believe are the more common verity (I should ask the biology major Vet-Girl about that),
though if you stand one of the socks on its head, the stripes match up perfectly.
The socks have been delivered and are well loved already!
(Did anyone notice that today is Wednesday?)
(Just in case anyone is wondering, this brings me to 10 of 12.)