Sunday, October 14, 2007

Mystery project revealed

The other day I posted a picture of a WIP and asked if any one had any guesses as to what it might be. Today I am going to give you the finished product. I am being really nice and not leaving you guessing. I would really rather just skip over this altogether and not bring it up again, but I wouldn't want any of you out there to accuse me of being mean. So I am just going to open myself up to letting all of you giggle at my knitting along with Hubband.
It is my current project for the WhoDuKnit group. The book we read this month was Bone Harvest. Here is the quote that should explain it:

"For dinner there would be pot roast, new potatoes creamed with sweet
peas, radishes from the garden, salad, and of course, German chocolate
cake for Arlette's birthday.

Maybe I should have knit radishes instead of cake.
Hubband thinks I should put googly eyes on it.


  1. With googly eyes, it would kind of look like one of the muppets. ;-) Don't hit me! Seriously, when you said, "German Chocolate Cake" I could see it.

  2. Yes, I saw it too when she said "German Chocolate" LOL It would make a most excellent tribble though! grin
