Thursday, October 4, 2007

Happy Birthday DTY!

OK, this post and I are both going into a "Time Out". The pictures and their captions are connected properly in the draft and in the "post-publish view window" but not in the actual post that the rest of you are looking at. For now you will have to figure out which ones go where before I hurt something. I am going to go drink a cup of tea and knit a little. I don't know what Blogspot is going to do during its time out.
Oh yeah!!! Thanks to my favorite Uncle, "Time Out" is all done! (And no, he isn't my favorite just because he helped with this problem.)

This is DTY's "Official Hospital Portrait."

As you can see, DTY has always had an awesome smile.


A couple of her Senior Pictures, Fall of 2006.


Senior Prom, Spring of 2007.

Graduation, June 2007.

On her annual backpacking trip, 2007.

Standing next to one of the awesome trees on the Reed campus.

Looking out her dorm room window, late August 2007.

I hope DY has an awesome birthday at school!


  1. The captions mostly make sense to me... perhaps a timeout was just what you needed.

  2. Here's an addition to Happy Birthday - only for me she is GDTY. And has always been a beautiful young lady!!

  3. Happy Birthday DTY!

    What a very pretty old tree. :-)
