Monday, October 1, 2007

A few pictures around the house

Today Hubband had a fit of needing to take pictures. BTW, he wants it to be made clear that "fit" is my word, and nothing to do with him. Anyway, I was weaving away and he was upstairs in his office working. The next thing I knew he was setting up the camera in front of the loom and taking pictures of me. So I decided to share one of them with you.
The other day Miss Sadie Rose was hanging out on the deck in the sunshine, one of her almost most favorite things to do. She would be hard pressed to pick between hanging out there or inside next to me. She would really rather I was out there with her all the time. We were lucky enough to get her picture before she saw us; otherwise she would have been rolling over to let us know she has a belly in need of scratching. She never has a hard time picking between having her belly scratched or something else. Belly scratches always come first.

We were also lucky enough to catch Mr. Simon coming down the stairs and getting him to stop and hold still, not something he is really big on doing. If he keeps going, he would be where your hand is and of course you would then have to scratch him.

You did all know that people were put here to cater to Bassets, didn't you?

(You almost got a bunch more cute dog pictures, but I decided to spare you.)


  1. Awwwww....the pups are cute! And they're as bad as cats in their insistence that we humans are their staff.

    More pics of the loom please. :D

  2. What a precious face! I love those big ole eyes and floppy ears. :-) You have some beautiful dogs!

  3. What a cute dog! Our Oliver loves to get photographed too!

    I must say I saw the sweater in an earlier post when you had one of your daughter's wear it - it is gorgeous!
